Firstly, welcome - and please understand that you are very welcome!
Sadly, alcohol abuse is an all to common occurrence amongst the JWs. (After all, "The Bible says that Jesus drank wine, doesn't it!") I was in introduced to drinking by the "brother" who "brought me into The Lie The Truth." Unfortunately, I proved to be a quick learner!
For a long time, I did subscribe to the fiction that "Christianity" (i.e. JW-ism) made for a better type of person than the average "Worldling."
Only after breaking free from the Borg some 19 years ago did I finally realize that I knew a lot of much better people before I ever got involved with the JWs. Theirs is not a family friendly religion, it hardly promotes good parenting (although they would have you believe otherwise), and is definitely not the ideal environment in which to bring up children. Even so, your father sounds like he was in separate league again when it comes to poor parenting! However, that he continued to remain as an elder comes as little surprize.
Anyway, once again, welcome - and be assured of a supportive environment on this board, any time you wish to talk, and about any subject.